Video: Apply Now for Summer Camp Scholarships in Palm Beach County!
Important Resources
Questions? Call 561-242-5713.
Tap or click to see if your child is eligible for a summer camp scholarship.
Tap or click to apply for a summer camp scholarship.
(If you do not have an account, follow
the link above and you can register by clicking on the Register button at the top right of the screen.)
Tap or click to view a complete listing of camps accepting the scholarships.
Tap or click for presentations by the camps about what they offer.
Tap or click for more information about summer camp scholarships and to search for camps near you.

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Get StartedVideo: ¡Becas para campamentos de verano!
Recursos Importantes
¿Tienes preguntas? Llama al 561-242-5713.
Haz clic aquí para ver si tu hijo es elegible para una beca de campamento de verano.
Haz clic para solicitar una beca de campamento de verano.
Haz clic para ver una lista completa de los campamentos que aceptan las becas.
Haz clic aquí para ver presentaciones sobre lo que ofrecen los campamentos de verano.